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Profile of ADAFLEX

LICENSED for insomnia in children and adolescents aged 6-17 years with ADHD, where sleep hygiene measures have been insufficient.1-5

Almost 9 out of 10 parents surveyed felt immediate release melatonin was an effective treatment in improving sleep onset in their child with ADHD6†

Licensed for Children and Adolescents

Licensed for Children and Adolescents With ADHD Related Insomnia

Licensed for insomnia in Children and Adolescents aged 6-17 years with ADHD, where sleep hygiene measures have been insufficient.1-5

Improves Sleep Onset

Improves Sleep Onset by Up to 70 Minutes1-6

  • Immediate release formulations, such as ADAFLEX, may be most effective when there is delayed sleep onset8 – the most common sleep issue in children with ADHD.9
  • Immediate release melatonin such as ADAFLEX can improve sleep duration by up to 80 minutes.1-6

Can Be Crushed and Mixed With Water

The ONLY Melatonin Tablet Licensed to Be Crushed and Mixed With Water

  • As an uncoated tablet, ADAFLEX can be easily crushed and mixed directly with water for ease of patient administration among those who struggle to swallow tablets.1-5
  • Provides an alternative to expensive oral solutions.

Available in a Range of
Tablet Strengths

The ONLY Melatonin Available in a Range of Tablet Strengths (1-5mg) Supporting Flexible Dosing and Titration1-5,7

  • Available in 1mg, 2mg, 3mg, 4mg and 5mg tablets — no need for patients to break tablets unnecessarily.1-5
  • The ONLY melatonin available as a 1mg tablet for children with ADHD-related insomnia1 – ideal for treatment initiation.

£18m Potential NHS Saving

£18m potential NHS saving

  • If all suitable patients prescribed melatonin were moved onto ADAFLEX, the NHS saving would be over £18m per annum.10

UK-AGB-ADA-0022 | Date of preparation: January 2024

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